Oxygen Destroyer – Bestial Manifestations of Malevolence and Death

When I was first getting into heavy metal and all its genres, the first genre I really stuck to was thrash metal.  In fact, I still love the genre.  Thrash metal led me to blackened thrash metal, a subgenre that I stuck to again.  It had this aggression and flavor that I could never get out of my head.  I would play bands like Hypnosia, Deströyer 666, Nocturnal Breed, Desaster, and Bulldozer on repeat, never able to satisfy my hunger for blackened thrash blasphemy.  Listening to Oxygen Destroyer for the first time gave me large amounts of nostalgia.

Archétype – Mission

Archétype Is one of those bands that makes their music modern while still preserving that classic element of a stage presence and character.  The vocalist literally says "la lala la laa laa laaaaa!" three-fourths into "Declaration".  I love that kind of thing because it shows how the band doesn't care what others think and it makes them stand out from the crowd.

Nailblack – Envied

Nailblack not only combines death, black, and thrash, but also adds a bit of technicality/progressiveness to their overall sound.  Again, this diversity is important to a band.  I guess one could make the argument concerning the importance of playing just one genre as a band because it could be more fun for the band, but if you want to get out there, get contacted by a label, or possibly even get big, you need to diversify.  I'm not saying that Nailblack is going to be at big as Megadeth or Black Sabbath or even Metallica, but they have potential to be significant in the realm of underground bands.

Acid Cross – Black Moon Rites

When Black Moon Rites begins, you'll hear a song that describes this whole album.  It contains mostly generic guitar riffs that one might write after playing guitar for a year and learning a few easy Metallica songs on the side.  Then there's a good riff every once in a (very long) while.  That is basically what this album is.  Generic hardcore punk power chord riffs stolen from what I like to call the "Green Day scale" with some guttural hissing in the background.  At least the drums sound good.

Through The Mist (EP) – Cringe

Image from Bandcamp Artwork by Brian Barr Year Released: 2016 Genre: Thrash Metal, Blackened Thrash Metal, Groove Metal Country: USA Availability: Bandcamp, YouTube Similar Artists: Slayer, Kreator, Antichrist, Infernäl Mäjesty Vocal Style: Raspy yelling Throughout the 11-minute onslaught of intense Slayer-like riffage, aggressive vocals, incredible song structure, and well-placed pinch harmonics, these American thrashers lay … Continue reading Through The Mist (EP) – Cringe

Blood Beneath The Crypts – Deathstorm

Image from Bandcamp Artwork by Linda Nygren Year Released: 2016 Genre: Blackened Thrash Metal, Thrash Metal Country: Austria Availability: Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, YouTube, Amazon, Bandcamp Similar Artists: Absu, Kreator, Slayer, Destroyer 666 Vocal Style: Raspy, black metal Just six years after their name change from Damage to Deathstorm, these Austrian thrashers release their second full-length. … Continue reading Blood Beneath The Crypts – Deathstorm

Satan’s Boundaries Unchained – Ketzer

Image from Bandcamp Album artwork by Andrei Bouzikov Year Released: 2009 Genre: Blackened Thrash, Thrash Metal, Black Metal Country: Germany Medias that have this album: Grooveshark, YouTube, Bandcamp Similar Artists: Aura Noir, Nocturnal, Nifelheim Vocal Style: raspiness level (1-10): 6, not too guttural Ketzer is a German blackened thrash band.  Ketzer is German for heretic.  For … Continue reading Satan’s Boundaries Unchained – Ketzer

Forbidden World – Antichrist

Image from Google Images Year Released: 2011 Genre: Thrash Metal, Black Metal Country: Sweden Medias that have this album: YouTube, Grooveshark Similar Artists: Sabbat, Bulldozer, Abigail, Aura Noir, Infernäl Mäjesty Vocal Style: Raspy, black metal vocals Antichrist is a relatively new band, having released their debut in 2011.  With this first album, Antichrist preserves what bands … Continue reading Forbidden World – Antichrist