Lizardia – Lizardia


Image from Bandcamp

Year Released: 2014

Genre: Doom Metal, Stoner Metal, Heavy Metal

Country: Greece

Availability: Bandcamp (free download), YouTube

Similar Artists: Trouble, Cathedral, Pentagram

Vocal Style: Deep

From the nice groove of “Turn to Smoke” to the twelve-minute epic,  “Aurora on Jupiter,” Greek doom metalers Lizardia present to the world their debut album.  Lizardia is full of melodic choruses, diversity, unique song structures, and groovy doom metal riffs.

In songs like “Ultrasonic Supervision,” “Turn to Smoke,” and “Tomorrow’s Gift” Lizardia shows their metalcore-like melodic choruses.  They lead into the chorus with something soft, sometimes even resorting to clean guitar.  Once the chorus comes, the distortion is turned up and the melodies fly.  “Tomorrow’s Gift” also shows the band’s diversity.  This track has an alternative rock feel to it.  Another track that shows diversity is “Ultrasonic Supervision” which has a very progressive, stop-and-go style.

Lizardia is full of solid, rich guitar riffs.  With tracks like “Aurora on Jupiter,” “Turn to Smoke,” “Electrifying the Reptiles,” and “Aversion,” this full-length shows the true potential behind the guitar playing of Jeje.  The style is fortified by a beefy tone of distortion and solidified by the vocals of Bluff and the melodic basslines of Gary.  The overall production is remarkable, considering that this was an independent release.

Fresh from the NWOTHM (New Wave of Traditional Heavy Metal), Lizardia is here to stay.

Highlighted Tracks: Turn to Smoke, Ultrasonic Supervision, Tomorrow’s Gift, Electrifying the Reptiles, Aversion, Aurora on Jupiter

Best Guitar Tracks: Turn to Smoke, Electrifying the Reptiles, Aurora on Jupiter, Aversion, Tomorrow’s Gift

I. Turn to Smoke 9/10
II. Like God 9/10
III. Tomorrow’s Gift 9.5/10
IV. Sutter Cane 9/10
V. Electrifying the Reptiles 9/10
VI. A Room Full of Headaches (Instrumental) 8.5/10
VII. Mountshake 8/10
VIII. Ultrasonic Supervision 9.5/10
IX. Aversion 9/10
X. Aurora on Jupiter 10/10

Overall Album Rating: 87%

Band Links:
Encyclopaedia Metallum

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