Lusus Naturae – Beastmaker


Image from: BandCamp

Album Artwork by Branca Studio

Year Released: 2016

Genre: Doom Metal

Country: USA

Medias that have this album: iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, BandCamp, Grooveshark

Medias that DON’T have this album: SoundCloud, ReverbNation

Similar Artists: Black Sabbath, Orchid, Pentagram, Horn Of The Rhino, Bedemon

Vocal Style: Clean/normal vocals


From the bell tolls of “Clouds In The Sky” that start this album off to the final great riff of “The Strain”, Beastmaker delivers pure nirvana to your ears.  This debut album released just over a month ago (5/26/16) shows a lot of potential.

The album starts with “Clouds In The Sky,” a song that is like “Black Sabbath” just because of the introduction of guitar playing over a bell that tolls.  Throughout the album you are taken on a roller coaster of different songs like the slow-tempo “Find The Stranger” or the Tony Iommi-like riffage of “You Must Sin.”  With Trevor William Church on guitars and vocals, this band is an unstoppable force.  His guitar abilities reek of influence from Black Sabbath and his voice sounds like Johnny Rotten gone wrong.  All three of its members are relatively new to the metal universe (except for Trevor William Church, but Lusus Naturae is the first full-length he’s ever released).  Church does an exceptionally good job in “Skin Crawler.”  The track is full of great guitar riffs and eerie vocals that are capable of lifting your skin from your bones.

Also, their record label is Rise Above.  That’s a fairly well-known label.  It includes artists like Electric Wizard, Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats, Ghost, Church Of Misery, Witchcraft, and, my favorite N.W.O.B.H.M. artist, Angel Witch.

Overall, if you’re a big fan of doom metal and want to hear some new bands, then give Beastmaker a listen.  Lusus Naturae is an album that any metalhead can enjoy.


Highlights: Skin Crawler, Clouds In The Sky, You Must Sin, Find The Stranger, The Strain, It


Overall Album Rating: 90% A FREAK OF NATURE (Lusus Naturae is Latin and translates to “a freak of nature”)


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